Thursday, October 7, 2010

9 things on eat pray love

have you read the book? have you seen the movie?

9 reasons for making this movie is not a good choice:

1. it is 2 1/2hour long and repetitious beyond belief. i think the length would be just fine for an action movie, but never work on a self discovery movie.

2. this is Ryan Murhpy's project. and he is also the director of glee. that's a shame since his projects usually turn out very good! is a travelogue that might inspire you to take a journey around the world to find yourself. but what person with real problems can afford to drop out of their lives for an entire year? i think what a real person will do is try to scrape ourselves off the ground and try desperately to get a job.

4. from the very first minute of the movie, we're given very little reason to be like the lead, like for her to leave either man. she decided to dump either man for unforeseen reason.

5. still doesn't really help with the whole traveling-to-find-herself thing without any financial backing. She lose everything after the divorced in order to start her journey of self-discovery. hence, she went to three international plane tickets plus all the money needed. (bukan kalau kita dah makan megi dah kan?)

6. it lacks the resonance of the original book. i mean the book says she was funded to travel around the world since she is a writer (which i am so pleased to work the same place with her if my company can fund me too) , but the movie doesn't say anything about it.

7. 2/3 of the movie is about the spirit. we all know that a movie can't really work on drama out of someone meditating.

8. to be honest, at first i was so unsure if Julia Roberts was the right woman to play her.not for her acting ability, but for her age. however, i changed my perspective when i watched this. i think this movie will be a terrible one without julia as the lead role.

9. i lost mr hubs within 1/2 hour of the movie. he went to dreamland because the movie is pretty b.o.r.i.n.g.

well people, again this is only my personal judgement. maybe i can say that i am not into slow and sentimental idea. go see yourself on the silkscreen. and judge it yourself.


miszeita said...

from the look of it, i guess i better wait for the *cough*pirated*cough* dvd. :P

schmellow said...

iya, lebih baik begitu