when i came back to brunei, we have to moved out from the staffhouse to our very own house. so we did. eventhough our shipment of belongings still on its way from KL, still we need to move in the new house like ASAP. and yesterday, the shipping company told us that our shipment will arrived in 2 weeks of time. all i can say is i am getting fat since i have become a terrible couch potato with bread and strawberry jam. that is my daily routine. i cant cook because of all our kitchen appliances and utensils are still in the vessel.
alhamdulillah Ramadhan comes again. this year of fasting month is totally a new experience for me. i am fasting with my beloved mr hubs, far from home and far from everyone we know. i cant believe myself that i prepare our own meal for sahur this morning. ye la kan, slalunye bangun semua food pun dah siap atas meja, tinggal makan je. same goes to our berbuka meals. and deep in my heart i missed home. where i can get all the delicious food. and i know its not as expensive as here. i can go from italian food, western and of course our local food. i realized that i cant ask for any chillis' or tony romas' or delicious over here. and i know my gfs will go for variety of ramadhan buffet in kl which i cant get any here. and i know i'll miss those moments.
yet i realized that i have so much to learn. learn to accept and adapt to my new life overhere. i cant complaint much because this is what i chose. i cant be mad if my hubs cant get me any delicious buah melaka or tasteful ayam percik. this is the moment that i have to learn everything in a marriage.and i learnt how to compromise because i am no single at all. everything revolve me also involve my hubs. after all there is no you or i in us. yelah, kalau gaduh pun, i have nowhere to turn to except him. still i'll be crawling into his arms before sleep. thing goes vice versa.
all of these taught me how you have to appreciate what you have because you wont know how it means to you until its gone. so appreciate and accept everyhting around you as the way it is. be honest. dont lie. dont betray. dont backstab. and dont bad mouth. because what goes around comes around. trust me. and thats all for now. i'm leaving to ho chi minh city this sunday. and looking fwrd for an update from there.
have a blessed ramadhan everyone :)
bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa brunei. i wish i can go there with them on jan :( kak mii do take care of yourself okay. tamau gadoh2. ;p misssssssss youuu :-*
finaLly an updatEs..hihi! mimi! miSsinG you...msti bst rumAh baRu kn! cAn't waiT to seE yOu soOn.
Mimi nK g hoLs buLan posA kEr.. bEst jugAk jLn2..hAvE fun!
missing u.
take care.
happy Ramadan.
p.s: thanks for the good advice bb. i'm so in need of those. :)
aida: hehe. tak gaduh2 dahhh. i miss u
dyna: rumah baru takde ape2 lagi. wuwuuwu. miss u too
eita: happy ramadhan to you too. its not a good advice la darling. its just a reminder to me :)
hv a safe journey to ho chi minh lalink!!!take care n miss u jute jute!!!:-*
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