can someone help me to define these two words? i have problem with my own dictionary.
a) priority
b) importance
ok now refer to this: 3 months 3 weeks and 2 days until our wedding day.
can someone please help me to tell me which one is the priority between counter strike and a future wife? is it counter strike is a priority or vice versa? or a future wife is just an importance vice versa?
and because of this confusion, i made a decision not to talk to each other until further notice. thank you
p/s: girlfrennnsssss. let's Valentines!
the thing with guys is they WON'T change their priority prior to the recent condition.
Women tend to adapt and reshuffle all the little details for them. to cater their needs.
Men have emotion retardation.period
a really good time to hang out with girlfriends. :) find a date then we do our V-day date. post V-day pun acceptable! :)
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