Monday, June 20, 2011

mommy wannabe is writing again

haii, cik yung di sini. bersalin?? eh belom lagiiiiii.. baby masih gumbira di dalam sana tak ready lagi nak keluar ye.

hahahaaaa. so my last update was really A MONTH ago?? bravoo!!
well, blame the baby hormones.. (selagi boleh pakai excuse tu confirm akan ku pakai. ahhahaa)

so i am officially in 34 weeks of pregnancy. Alhamdulillah. everything is ok. at this stage, deria pendengaran baby dah fully developed. so baby dah bole recognize familiar sounds/voices. sbb tu kalau bising2 ke bukak volume kuat2 ke, mak aii kuat nya dia tendang2. babysepatutnya by this week dah reach 2kg. tp last time punya check up (31 weeks), our baby still 1.5kg. haihh baby, mommy rasa cm mommy dah makan byk dah. tp baby tak absorb eh? abes laa kalau semua pun pegi kat mommy. hahahaa. hopefully, by next check up (27th June), baby dah reach 2kg tu.

bila dah 34 weeks ni, Braxton-Hicks contraction dah mula terasa on a regular basis. walaupun ianya hanya false labour pains, tp MIL dah pesan soh siap2 ready with baby n mommy hospital bags. sbb ada sorang Bro-in-law lahir during 34weeks of pregnancy. huhuhuuu. so bag dah ada, just belom packing saje lagi.

owh, we hv attended an antenatal class, last saturday. we chose antenatal class @PCMC sbb mmg nak deliver kat situ pun kan. walaupun a lil bit pricy compared to other places, but it really worth it! mmg penoh bermakna lah senang cite. kelas tu dari pagi sampai ke petang. pagi punya topic mostly on the theoretical parts mcm dietary, pregnancy, labouring, confinement, etc. pastu tengahari dia bawak labor room,nursery and wards tour. then after lunch baru semua yg kene buat practical. exercise, breathing techniques, pushing, bathing baby, massaging bla bla blaaaa.. tp mmg letih la actually.

after antenatal class, me n hubs pegi reunion skolah. iyee, kami satu sekolahhh. kalau ikut hati dan keletihan, mmg rasa mcm tanak pegi. tp kesian pulak dekat mr hubs. dia dah lama sgt tak jumpa kawan2 dia. and kwn2 dia pun kwn2 ku jugakkan. so pegila jugak even skejap. it was actually a bbq reunion. buat dekat shah alam. diorang overnight kat sana. kitorang tak pat la nak overnight dengan boyot2 ceni kan. :P

keesokan harinya, adalah hari menghadiri Baby Shower yg di organized oleh GFS!! kalau ikut schedule, katanya kol 1230 tengahari. tp kitorang dr kol 830 dah ada kat KL pun. so nk soh dtg awal pun tak kesah. hehe. pastu dpt sms soh dtg kol 1pm. so sempat la pegi temankan mr hubs potong rambut kat KLCC sambil mkn eskremmm Fudge n Cream Factory. nyummm nyummmm. owh siap sempat jadi model utk giorgio armani sbb beli perfume. hahahahaa.

baby shower haritu mmg superb!! thumbs up to the organizer. decoration cantik gile. games mmg fun habes. pastu tema pun cun. :) thanks again to all attendees yg sanggup bersusah payah dtg jauh2 meluangkan masa bersama2, to make things happen!!. dah la father's day kan yg patutnya semua pun celebrate ngan bapak masing2. i hope you guys sempat celebrate it after kita balik tu. :) i am so blessed having you guys in my life. nnti baby keluar, of cos dia pun happy sbb ada untie2 dan uncle2 yg sporting habes. hehehee.

so di bawah adalah gambar2 sket2 from baby shower. of cos la gambar semua ni adalah dari GFS yg dicilok dari FB. hehehehee. kalau ikut hati nak letak semua gambar kat sini. tapi paham2 la kan blogspot ni cemana kan. :P

enjoy the pixies! p/s: gambar tidak mengikut turutan

excellent decorations!
semua org sporting giler main games. :)
an attempt "to make a baby". :P
word scrambler of the day- OBESITI!! hahahahha

the table setting. i'm loving it!!

doorgifts and itinerary.
cake cutting! actually it was jelly cutting. hahahaa

in front of Levain, venue of the day.

mr hubs and me in green theme - Parti Islam Malaysia
and baby yg tertonggeng tu sampai harini blom makan2 lagi. ada kat dlm peti ais. comel sgt , tak sampai hati nak makan. wuwuwuu

so itu sahaja untuk kali ini. akan cuba mengupadate sekerap yg mungkin sebelom bersalin ni kan. :P


ohtheaida! said...

HAHAHAHA part obesiti tu palingggggggg lawak okayyy! haih. and yes we really had a great time. love you and gfssss banyak2. baby, nanti lahir dapat banyak kakaks and uncles and aunties.HAHAHA :*

Mohd Sukur Ibrahim said...

wahh...happening giler..anyway mimi nk bersalin bgthu tau...

mummy adam said...

terrific! the deco sgt cunss la mimi. ok, dah 34th weeks ni bemanja la puas2 dgn hubbs, sbb nanti limited dah. baby comes first. hehe. all the best mimi.

schmellow said...

aida: eh obesiti tu lebih baik dr bosotie. hahaha

sukur: bulan 7 sukurr bulan 7 :P

k pejot: hubster jauh. wuwuwuwuuu

miszeita said...

i love u mommy wannabe!


schmellow said...

owh darling i love you too. u know it that i dont have to tell you about it
