Monday, October 22, 2012

Travel while you are pregnant

Ramai yang tanya tips on travelling while you are pregnant. well, ni gara-gara babymoon ke Paris dulu la ni. ekekeke. okla meh nak share sket2 tips2 untuk semua mommy to be yg nak travel, especially yg nak pergi babymoon tu. hahahahaha. babymoon tu wajib ye. (ajaran sesat datin seri untuk semua mom-to-be).

based on experience, i've been flying ups and downs Brunei-KL for the first 2 trimesters of my pregnancy. iyelah, bermastautin di Brunei tp baby monthly check up kat KL. so of cos la every month pun menyumbang bakti pada Malaysia Airlines lah kan. sebenarnye, travel ketika pregnant adalah selamat untuk semua trimester. ade org siap esok lusa nak bersalin harini baru terbang ke tanah air. iyelah kalau sepanjang pregnant tu takde complications, mmg selamat.ada org morning sickness teruk2 on the first trimester. so bila dah masuk 2nd trimester, morning sickness dah kurang. so this is the best time utk travel sebenarnye.sbb kalau nak travel pada 3rd trimester, perut dah boyot sangat takut kepenatan. pastu kaki bengkak la itu la ini la. hehe

disini saya sertakan beberapa tips:

1.kalau travel by plane, sile lah request for aisle seat.toksah ngengada nak duduk tepi tingkap. sebabnye, senang nak bangun, nak stretch, nak g toilet. jgn taktau ye wanita pregnant mmg senang sgt nak terkucil. request for front seat ye. dekat dgn slalu nye kalau lebih 36 weeks, kene ada surat doktor kalau nak naik kapal terbang ni.

2. kalau travel by car, dont turn the airbags off. taula perut besar, tp takpe on kan aje. in case anything happen can prevent anything bad to the pregnant mommy and her baby

3. rancang perjalanan anda. make sure ada break in between. berenti for strecthing , a cup of tea maybe. jgn backpackers style ye. kene melancong dengan relax. kalau travel dgn kereta/bas/train jgn lama2 sgt journey tu. tp kalau naik aeroplane sampai berbelas2 jam mmg takde choice la kan. but u can still walk around in the plane.

4. jika travel long distance, sila bawa antinatal record- in case of emergency.

5. kalau pegi luar negara, hati2 memilih makanan. takut nanti diarrhea. nnti dehydrate susah pulak.oh ibu mengandung kene mkn cooked food saje pls. jgn mengada nk mkn sushi or sashimi.

6. kalau pergi negara yg nak kene amek immunizations, tak payahla pegi. kalau terpaksa jugak, sila lah consult doctor anda ye

7. constipation adalah perkara biasa berlaku utk pregnant mothers yg pegi travel.well, tak pegi travel pun rasanya pregnant mom mmg mudah constipated. so eat well. minum byk air ye.

8. safety belt. ada cara tau untuk pakai safety belt. jgn pakai across your belly. nnti ask the stewardess on how to buckel it up k.

9. kasut. oh please wear the suitable one. bila kita pregnant size kaki kita dah berbeza. so mmg kene pakai yg betul2 comfortable untuk berjalan.

10. handbag, choose yg slingbag. takyah handbag besar2 bagai. mane nak bawak perut, mana nak bawak handbag kan. plus, it is for safety purpose. mengelakkan pickpocket and handbag snatchers.

11. wear comfortable clothes. maternity wear of course. byk dah baju2 maternity yg stylo skarang kan. hehehe. travel in style pls.

12.light make ups. tak payah tebal2. sbb org pregnant slalu muka naturally cantik. org panggil glowing. kehkehkehkehhh.

13. bawak travel pack snack. crackers, box of chohcs,nuts! believe me you wont regret it because when you are pregnant, you will be constantly hungry. 100% confirm!!

14. avoid crossing your legs. not good. nnti senang cramps.

15. haritu pegi Paris, the security wont allow me to go under the scanning machine.not good for baby katanya. tatau la negara lain.

16.Before travel, kenalpasti mana hospital terdekat. in case apa2 senang nk assist. You can do this by calling the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers at (716) 754-4883 or the American Red Cross.

17. everything must be SAFETY FIRST! ok???

Now, pack your bags and enjoy one more vacation before baby comes along. 

photo taken: 6 months pregnant,babymoon,Paris


kHeRoNe NiEySa said...

ai ingt lg surat doktor g babymoon tuh...if not yuh kenot go paris,huhu

dYnA said...

Good onE! <3 this post :)