Monday, October 22, 2012

Travel while you are pregnant

Ramai yang tanya tips on travelling while you are pregnant. well, ni gara-gara babymoon ke Paris dulu la ni. ekekeke. okla meh nak share sket2 tips2 untuk semua mommy to be yg nak travel, especially yg nak pergi babymoon tu. hahahahaha. babymoon tu wajib ye. (ajaran sesat datin seri untuk semua mom-to-be).

based on experience, i've been flying ups and downs Brunei-KL for the first 2 trimesters of my pregnancy. iyelah, bermastautin di Brunei tp baby monthly check up kat KL. so of cos la every month pun menyumbang bakti pada Malaysia Airlines lah kan. sebenarnye, travel ketika pregnant adalah selamat untuk semua trimester. ade org siap esok lusa nak bersalin harini baru terbang ke tanah air. iyelah kalau sepanjang pregnant tu takde complications, mmg selamat.ada org morning sickness teruk2 on the first trimester. so bila dah masuk 2nd trimester, morning sickness dah kurang. so this is the best time utk travel sebenarnye.sbb kalau nak travel pada 3rd trimester, perut dah boyot sangat takut kepenatan. pastu kaki bengkak la itu la ini la. hehe

disini saya sertakan beberapa tips:

1.kalau travel by plane, sile lah request for aisle seat.toksah ngengada nak duduk tepi tingkap. sebabnye, senang nak bangun, nak stretch, nak g toilet. jgn taktau ye wanita pregnant mmg senang sgt nak terkucil. request for front seat ye. dekat dgn slalu nye kalau lebih 36 weeks, kene ada surat doktor kalau nak naik kapal terbang ni.

2. kalau travel by car, dont turn the airbags off. taula perut besar, tp takpe on kan aje. in case anything happen can prevent anything bad to the pregnant mommy and her baby

3. rancang perjalanan anda. make sure ada break in between. berenti for strecthing , a cup of tea maybe. jgn backpackers style ye. kene melancong dengan relax. kalau travel dgn kereta/bas/train jgn lama2 sgt journey tu. tp kalau naik aeroplane sampai berbelas2 jam mmg takde choice la kan. but u can still walk around in the plane.

4. jika travel long distance, sila bawa antinatal record- in case of emergency.

5. kalau pegi luar negara, hati2 memilih makanan. takut nanti diarrhea. nnti dehydrate susah pulak.oh ibu mengandung kene mkn cooked food saje pls. jgn mengada nk mkn sushi or sashimi.

6. kalau pergi negara yg nak kene amek immunizations, tak payahla pegi. kalau terpaksa jugak, sila lah consult doctor anda ye

7. constipation adalah perkara biasa berlaku utk pregnant mothers yg pegi travel.well, tak pegi travel pun rasanya pregnant mom mmg mudah constipated. so eat well. minum byk air ye.

8. safety belt. ada cara tau untuk pakai safety belt. jgn pakai across your belly. nnti ask the stewardess on how to buckel it up k.

9. kasut. oh please wear the suitable one. bila kita pregnant size kaki kita dah berbeza. so mmg kene pakai yg betul2 comfortable untuk berjalan.

10. handbag, choose yg slingbag. takyah handbag besar2 bagai. mane nak bawak perut, mana nak bawak handbag kan. plus, it is for safety purpose. mengelakkan pickpocket and handbag snatchers.

11. wear comfortable clothes. maternity wear of course. byk dah baju2 maternity yg stylo skarang kan. hehehe. travel in style pls.

12.light make ups. tak payah tebal2. sbb org pregnant slalu muka naturally cantik. org panggil glowing. kehkehkehkehhh.

13. bawak travel pack snack. crackers, box of chohcs,nuts! believe me you wont regret it because when you are pregnant, you will be constantly hungry. 100% confirm!!

14. avoid crossing your legs. not good. nnti senang cramps.

15. haritu pegi Paris, the security wont allow me to go under the scanning machine.not good for baby katanya. tatau la negara lain.

16.Before travel, kenalpasti mana hospital terdekat. in case apa2 senang nk assist. You can do this by calling the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers at (716) 754-4883 or the American Red Cross.

17. everything must be SAFETY FIRST! ok???

Now, pack your bags and enjoy one more vacation before baby comes along. 

photo taken: 6 months pregnant,babymoon,Paris

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the orchard

semalam tido mimpi beg ni. sbb time nak balik smalam nampak bag ni displayed kat situ. tapi mimpi je la kan.

haih susah kalau dah taste mak datin ni.


p/s: visit

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I have a pair of beautiful eyebrows

When comes to shaping the eyebrows, i am the dumbest among all. Seriously i dont know how to do it perfectly. I dont have thick eyebrows that i need to trim it regularly. But when your eyebrows are so messy, you definitely cant stand it. I tried once to shape it by myself, i mean shaping it using the eyebrow liner and it was so frustrating when my sister told me that i looked like SINCHAN. Yes thank you.

Dulu,i love to use my cheapskate skill- go to buy an eyeliner and ask the beautician to shape my eyebrow. I always get this extra service when i go to buy make ups. But nowadays, they cant do it anymore. Katanya, nnti kene saman. Pffttttt. The last one i got this extra service was at estee lauder alAmanda, dalam parkson tu. pastu no more.

And finally i found this!

No more sweat!

I can always go to have a trim. But this one is wax style. Scary? No pain at all. They put some antibacterial lotion first. Small patch will be put on the eyebrow after they draw a line. The patch is slightly hot because of the honey wax. And then, zappppppp!! Finish!! Lastly they will do some trimming to even the shape.

And this service only offered at benefit counter :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ammar 1st Bday Bash!!

this is a very long due entry. hehe.

we organized Ammar Hafiy 1st Birthday Bash on 15/9/2012 at Restoren Istana Bambu. It was so nice and a great one. Venue was booked for 100pax and food were prepared by them.

so ape yg kitorang buat? okla mostly my girlfriends yg lebih bertungkus lumus.hehehehe. ye ke? mestilaaaaaaaa. so there are few important notes that need to be taken seriously if you are organizing any event. 

1. meeting- penting untuk pembahagian tugas mengikut kerelaan masing-masing. unless you pay for it. :P
2. location- kene book awal2 sbb mostly pun nk buat weekends/time cuti kan. kene come out with specific date at least 3 months before so that our invitees boleh arrange their time/ schedule.
4. food- catering ke masak sendiri, pls arrange betul2. biar food lebih dari tak cukup.
5.deco- ni penting untuk majlis yg bertema-tema bagai. saya panjangkan ucapan  terima kasih untuk Eita dan KB utk part ini. colorful ok bday ammar.:)
6. banner- toksah go for murah tapi mak aii susahnye nak contact. siap ke tidak banner ni nanti? ini atas dasar pengalaman sendiri ye.
7. tshirt- haa ni pun sama jugak. kalau ada tempahan khas dari obersea, sila adakan backup plan in case baju tu tak sampai pada hari kejadian. contohnya: baju ammar hafiy.last2 pegi mothercare je beli.
8.photobooth- harus lah menarik. yang ini opkos la hasil kerjasama aida and eita. Props dia mmg the best!! sape2 nak amek tempahan boleh la contact mereka ya. hehe
9. candy buffet- yg ni yg bertungkuslumus tidak lain dan tidak bukan tokeynya ialah nisa. mmg terbaikla all the colorful tagging. terima kasih utk aisyah yg pinjamkan balang2 mahal lagi cantik.tak mampu mak nak beli nyahhhhh.
10.doorgift- the cost!! this time it is SUPER CHEAP. paperbags was ordered from zfcraft with design. bila diipost sampai ke rumah, wahhhh siap beriben lagi kauuu. kelass jahhh!!
11. guestbook- terima kasih sekali lagi untuk eita kerana sudi sponsor guestbook. nnti ammar besar akan kuceritakan padanya nilah unti yg kretip2 buat mcm2 utk deco bday ammar tuu.
12. table deco- terima kasih tak terhingga untuk dyna kerana sudi pinjamkan balang2 pat segi semasa perkahwinannya. terus cantik table2 tetamu ku.
13. photographer- actually takde plan untuk yang ini. sbb takde budget. tp memandangkan kononnya nk professional photog kan, so naseb baik ade si pesot, husband farah yg tgh pregnant tu. mekaseh banyak yee .:)
14.balloons- penting utk naikkan rasa kemeriahan. tp bila pk2 balik ballon tu boleh tampal2 so next time tayah beli belon helium lah, membazir pulak. sbb last2 takde sape bwk ballon sbb kete tak muat. >.<
15. entertainment- tak kesah la games ke ape kan. kalini kita ade facepainting. tp nampaknya sambutan kurang memberangsangkan. mungkin kanak-kanak tak ramai. last2 ade org get self facepainted. ahaks!!
16. TIMING- kalau boleh next time yg mana ahli jawatankuasa tu sila lah awal sedikit especially yg ada incharge for the setting up. sbb in my case, guest sampai ketika set up tgh berjalan, so guest mcm segan2 sbb semua tak siap lagi. so not nice lah sebenarnye kan.nampak kelam kabut. if we were the guest pun mesti rasa mcm nak g tolong siapkan. LOL!! 

afterall, the bday bash went on very well. semua org cukup makan, alhamdulillah. gambar pun banyak yg ceria-ceria. except for gambar tiup cake tangan ammar asek garu kepala je. adoiiii. mommy tak sempat train ammar blow candle haritu. sobssosbbssobbsss

disini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua kawan-kawan girlfriends saya  yg telah bertungkus lumus menjayakan majlis ini. frankly speaking, without you guys, the event wont survived!! tidak lupa kepada semua ahli keluarga dan kawan-kawan yg sudi datang memeriahkan majlis. kepada para sponsor, terima kasih tidak terhingga hanya Allah sahaja dapat membalasnya.

kat sini ada gambar sikit. tak banyak. sbb ni apdet blog kat opis. hohohohohooo kantoiiiiiiiiiiii. sorry boss. saya janji lepas ni saya apdet dari rumah je. ecececececeee. 

so enjoy people.