Wednesday, February 24, 2010

entri sebelom tidur

this entry should be last week's entry. tapi takpelah. sbb last week memang tak sempat nak blogging.

well, have attended dina's engagement at taman melewar. sebelom tu ada wedding di putrajaya. tema warna ialah merah putih. so tepaksela eden memakai baju merah menyala itu. dah abes kat sana rushing balik tukar baju ijau pulak sbb dina punye tema kaler ijau. aisehmannnnnnnn....kesian la kalau org tu duduk jauh2 nak bertema-tema cm taman tema air pulak. so takpe for those coming to my wedding nanti takde warna tema wajib yang ditetapkan. you can wear any color you like okay. :)

then after fetching eita at her house, terus pecut pegi gombak. oh well, google map pun ada juga part yang takbole pakai i tell you. yela both of us mmg taktau area2 gombak ni. area klcc ke pavillion ke kitorang tau la... hahhahaaa. ni kalau dah masuk area-area cm urban sket ni memang la macam baru sampai mongolia.punyela tatau mane nak pegi. luckily eita did some homework. dia berjaya google jalan pegi rumah dina based on the address given. so ikut je la kan. masuk celah-celah perumahan sume ada. hahahhahaaaa. we were so confident because every junction mesti sama dengan apa yg stated dekat google map. sampai la satu junction yg sepatutnya kami cross, rupenye jalan tu dah tutup ngan batu-batu ala construction gitu. adoiiiii.. tak ke parah.
call punya call ade la sejam jugak rasenye baru kitorang sampai rumah dina... hahahahhaaaaa.... luckily, mood ok sebab eita bawak cd KRU yang dia tolong burnkan.ada 12 album dlm satu cd.. wallaweeeiiii seronokkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

so this is dina. dia memakai warna tema zahid AF- oren putih hitam. amad tunangan dina memakai baju melayu hitam bersampin seolah-olah mahu menerima pingat kebesaran dari sultan. heheheheee.. idea yg menarik. lain dari yg lain. dina tidak kurang hebat.kelihatan sungguh gorjes dan mengancam gituuuuuu.. siap ada fresh flower hand bouquet okay! saya dulu bertunang bunga tangan saya SSF je. sob sob sob... tapi takpe, janji ade bunga. hehehe. so dina, selamat menempuhi alam pertunangan. org cakap byk cabaran. tayah ckp org la, mimi cakap pun same jugak. hahahahaaaaa..
mengikut pengalaman kekerapan bergaduh akan meningkat tiga kali ganda. frekuensi merajuk dan mengada-ngada memang over limit. ketidakstabilan emosi akan berlaku paling minima sebulan dua kali. hahahahhahaaaa. saya harap perkara ini tidak akan terjadi pada anda sebab amad dekat okay. takde reason! :P

saya suka syide punya status di facebook. bunyinya begini:

"M Syahide JalalKita- tak akan dikahwinkan dengan seseorang atas sebab jatuh cinta atau saling cinta mencintai..Kerana, kita berkahwin dengan jodoh kita, jodoh yang Allah dah tetapkan sejak azali..on Tuesday"

saya harap pertemuan saya dengan jodoh saya akan diberkati Allah hingga akhir hayat. aminnnnnn. tapi melihatkan wedding ticker tu menunjukkan lagi 3 bulan tapi saya masih takde baju kawen lagi. omigod. :(

boleh tak kalau taknak kawen lagi?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

satu suara

hey peeps!

gong xi fa cai. hehe. nak ang pow boleh? kalau tahun-tahun lepas my fiance mmg takkan terlepas kene bagi duet raya. tak kesah la raya ape skali pun. and it must be in the green or red packets!.. isi dalam kadang-kadang seringgit. kalau maju sikit, dua ringgit... hahhahahaahaaaa. and these packets kitorang simpan. tak caye bole tengok album. tapi memandangkan CNY kalini jatuh pada 14 februari ternyata idea untuk memberi angpow terpaksa dilupakan kerana ada perkara yang lebih penting dari itu. oohhhh bukan valentine's day kerana kami tak celebrate valentine's day. mungkin pada kami hari-hari pun hari berkaseh sayang... hahahhahahaaa.... rase cm nak muntah ijau tak?

its actually a date to remark us for being together for 5 years! huhuhuhuuu... this is somewhat i can say "bole tahan lama jugak". hahahaaaa...bukan senang okay! yela,frekuensi pergaduhan bole dikatakan hampir setiap bulan. tp alhamdulillah kami sudah hampir ke "situ". insyaallah mudah-mudahan jodoh kami panjang.aminnnnnn :)...yes, i knew there are people out there have longer period of relationship compared to us. tapi tak kesah la kan. ikutkan bercinte selepas kawen is much more better. ye la kalau bercinta lama2 tak kemana pun buat ape jugak. sadis jugak tu.yang penting harus berkekalan sampai akhir hayat bukan?

so he came back just to celebrate it! sweet kan? so kitorang pegi konsert satu suara terbitan SNP.well i can say that the concert was awesome. performance mmg tiptop. energy mmg superb. suara pun mmg tak boleh dipertikaikan lagi. gabungan 3 org superstar yg sungguh bertenaga and kena! everything was amazing.except for those peminat-peminat fanatic yang sebok berdiri menari-nari. hello ni istana budaya la. tak sehsuawaiiii okay. maybe next time such concert lebih sesuai dibuat di tempat yg tak perlukan kerusi if the singer wants the crowd to dance together. haihhhh...luckily i bought this concert ticket earlier so dpt la cheaper price berbanding org lain yang lambat sedikit.seriously,sungguh tidak mengecewakan. :)

dan nampaknye skill mr fiance sudah makin improved. sudah tidak kayu sangat. tp ade la kayu lagi sikit-sikit. kalau masuk pertandingan bfren siapa lebih romentik, harus dia disqualified since audition stage. ahhahahahaaa... but he will always win me okay. he bought me this as an anniversary gift for me:

oh bukan naomi campbell yang dia beli. tp perfume 3 L'Impératrice by D&G. i really love the smell.bau awal-awal masa spray macam so fruity with musk base.but after several hours it turns into a watery fizzy accent. kadang-kadang rase mcm bau gucci rush. very sensual.

this time D&G menggunakan nama-nama besar sebagai model untuk perfume edisi summer ini.Tyson Ballou as Le Bateleur 1, Naomi Campbell as LImperatrice 3,Noah Mills as L'Amoureux 6, Claudia Schiffer as La Lune 18 and Eva Herzigova and Fernando Fernandes as La Roue de la Fortune 10. i dont know why they have to be nude in the picture. summer agaknye. panas.. hahahahahahaaa.....

source: D&G

so alang-alang my fiance balik kl untuk few days sahaje, so terus cekup dia pegi buat photoshoot untuk pre wedding. ini hadiah saya untuk kali ini. :) actually hajat di hati nak try mekap oleh zaifie collection as per this entry. ye la masalah mencari make up artis pompuan berkarisma sehingga ke harini masih belom selesai. but thanks to kak zai, i am happy with her touch. bole di consider sbb i have 4 sessions of make up nanti and i want different person to each session :)anyhow, the photoshoot went great.jejaka2 di pixelmedia sangat tidak byk songeh dan mudah untuk berkerjasama.siap order mcd kitorang kene bawak props sendiri. agak taktau nak bawak ape mula2 yela mane penah nak bergambo2 ceni. slalu candid je tau. hahahahhaaa. so after did some homework, baru dpt sedikit idea. jenuh suruh mr fiance beli balloons and confetti. ahahhaaa. lepas tu kitorang pegi carik jugak kipas cina yg zmn dulu2 konon mahu kelihatan traditional. sampai org pixelmedia request for that umbrella ok. betapa berkesannya payung itu sebagai props.itu belom masuk lg kesah saya mahukan apron.hahahaaaa sangat laaaa kelakar. disini disertakan beberapa keping gambar hasil photoshoot yang masih belom diedit tp tangan dah gatal sgt nak aplod. mintak maap la ye gambo belom edit dah siap2 curik2 nak aplod. sikit je ok?

sile click pada gambar untuk efek yang lebih menawan. ahaks!
aihhhh sebok buat photshoot. kain baju sanding di rumah belom tempah lagi okay!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


can someone help me to define these two words? i have problem with my own dictionary.

a) priority
b) importance

ok now refer to this: 3 months 3 weeks and 2 days until our wedding day.

can someone please help me to tell me which one is the priority between counter strike and a future wife? is it counter strike is a priority or vice versa? or a future wife is just an importance vice versa?

and because of this confusion, i made a decision not to talk to each other until further notice. thank you

p/s: girlfrennnsssss. let's Valentines!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

shed some pounds

i attended my cuzzie's engagement this morning. the event was wonderful. everyone was wearing blue colour.whoever came with other than blue colour looks so weird. this is one of the reason i hate with colour theme. hahahhaaaaa. luckily i was being informed earlier to wear blue.

so while the people were busy layan-ing all the guests, i was busy putting the favor boxes into a well-decorated basket. it was so sweet because the family did the favors by themselves. of cos i think that is sweet because i hardly make anything by myself to give away to as many as 200 ppl. beli wont consume much time. ahaks. :P

when i finished my "task", i saw a weighing scale under the cupboard. i secretly took out that machine out. cepat-cepat naik atas tu since the last time timbang was i can't recall. hahahahaaa.

and this weighing machine showed me a real "big losser" moment to me. oh gosh. i gained 4 kilograms in such a month i guess. huhuhuhuuu.. and now i am panicking! the thought of changing detergents made my shirts and jeans shrink is totally wrong! i am the one who getting bigger and bigger. no wonder i can't fit my jeans anymore. and i cant even wear my baby tees. i have huge belly that if i wear baju kurung people thought that i am pregnant! silly......

i am really in a big trouble. i'm boiling in the hot soup i think. i'm going to have my first wedding dress fitting on 1st april 2010. i hope it wont be any april fool for me such as i cant go in my wedding dress! huahuahuaaaahuahuaaaahuaaaaaa... people knows me with high metabolism rate which means i cant get fat easily because i burn the calories faster. so when i put on weight, that is clearly shows that i am overeaten!

Pls dont tell me to exercise. i cant be the 2nd nisa, i am not discipline to have my routine like that. even i think i cant spell exercise correctly! for me walking from my door to my car is also an exercise. i really need to control my meal and food. i have a very big missin befor 1st april 2010. i need to shed at least 4 kilograms in this month. or else the fitting session will be a torturing session for me. aahhahahaaaa... totally! because i was 45kg when i went for my body measurement for the wedding dress. oh please frens. help me! i dont want to turn out this way on my wedding day! :(

oh pleaseeeeeee i'm begging you. help me to diet. do not offer me pasta or sushi ok?

picture: google

Thursday, February 4, 2010

kesah rm 30

tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang saya hormati sekalian,

dengan ini saya ingin menyatakan bahawa saya baru sahaje membatalkan kad jemputan kahwin saya di kedai tadi. phew!

i understand that its not funny at all when you have exactly 4 months before your wedding day and you cancel the wedding card. i tell you, its not funny at all!org lain 3 months b4 kad dah siap masuk envelope siap ngan setem lagi nak poskan. sigh!

yes i've been keeping in mind this card for 2 months ago. masa tu jalan2 then jumpe kad ni nampak cm cantik dan juga cost effective because its promotion item so mintak la beli satu sbb nak balik tunjuk cikgu mariam dan husband untuk kelulusan. almaklumla dah beberapa kad kahwin yg berkenan di hati telah di rolak mentah-mentah. hanya kerana mereka sedikit berumur maka sudah tentu lebih tradisionak. keinginan mahu menempah pocket card yg super simple dimana saya telah ditugaskan untuk menempahkan kad bagi pihak mr fiance terkubur kerana kegagalan meracuni otak mereka. so kononnye nak design kad same tp kaler je lain harusla dilupakan begitu sahaje. apabila di bawa balik ke rumah kad yg di beli tadi, dengan tidak disangka mereka telah meluluskan kad itu. so sambil teman sara beli buku kat warta, selepas itu singgah la ke kedai kad kawen tersebut. so konon2 nak booking la. time nak bayo deposit aiseh duet ade rm30 sahaje. takpela. janji bayar sikit dulu. utk booking sbb card tu until stocks last sahaje sbb dia ready made card from indonesia yg dipromosikan.nanti akak datang bawak map dengan deposit skali ye.kate salesgirl itu. pastu kene pulak dia tak telepon ke, folo up ke. disebabkan tuntutan kesibukan kerja perkara ini mcm terlupa pulak.

so mlm td baru teringat akan perkara ini. jadi kesahnya tadi konon2 mahu pegi hantar map for the first draft. skali tengah-tengah nak draft map kat rumah eletrik takde. aisehman. dalam hati berkata takpela pegi je la tempat tu since dekat warta je pun. 5 menet pun tak sampai. jalan kaki pun tak sempat kuar peluh. :P

sampai je kat sana terus salesgirl itu disapa tanpa menghiraukan satu lagi couple yg tgh pilih kad.

me: ingat akak lagi tak?
salesgirl: ingat
me: nape la awak tak ingat kan saya. saya dah hampir lupe. (padahal mmg dah lupe pun)
salesgirl: eh ye ke.
me: takpela. saya tak bwk map. tp ofis awak kt sini je kan. dekat azue tu kan.
salesgirl: aah
me: awak tak bole ke mintak tolong designer awak je tlg lukis. seksyen 15 je pun
salesgirl: tak bole la kak. akak mmg kene lukis sendiri. tp buat masa ni kite tak boleh terima lagi map tu
me: eh kenapa?
salesgirl: akak punye deposit aritu rm30 kecik sangat.
me: iye saya tahu. saya dtg nak top up skali la ni
salesgirl: berapa akak nak tambah?
me: make it rm150 dulu la
sallesgirl: tak boleh. sbb rm 30 tu sikit sangat
me: abes kene berapa?
salesgirl: akak punye kad brape ringgit dah?
me:rm 1.50 each
salesgirl: at least half. lgpun rm 30 tu sikit sangat
me: iye saya tau sikit sgt. aritu kan sbb saya habes duet adik saya pau saya. ni saya nk tambah la ni.
salesgirl: so akak bayar la half skarang. rm30 tu sikit. kite tak bole book utk akak. sbb kite beli dr indonesia. kalau akak cancel sape nak bayo
me: half eh? means 700++ la eh. byk ye. first time saya dengo utk first draft dah kene bayo half.
salesgirl: then akak pegi kedai lain la tempah. rm 30 tu sikit sgt la kak.
me:awak bole tak jgn mention lg pasal rm 30 tu?

time tu mmg dah berasap dah sebenarnye. lagi skali dia ckp pasal rm30 tu sikit ade sejarah makan penampo di warta pulak kang. rase cm nak suap selipar pun ade. eyyy geram nyeeeee.....dalam beg actually dah standby rm500 for the deposit. mentang-mentang ko tgh ade customer len ko buat mcm ni ye.pastu tak bole nak ckp elok-elok. kalau company ade org buat marketing mulut cm bangkai cmni, mmg takkan ke mana la company ni. helloo you are entertaining a customer that wanted to order 1000 pcs of card for real! and yes i wear my tshirt and jeans but who cares?? memang la ko mekap berinci2 budget vogue la tp kalau tak bole nk buat company untung buat ape. sumpah aku nak tepon boss dia esok. i dont care.atleast i'm helping another muslim to improve the business.

btw miss salesgirl,
i drive mini cooper that i pay on my own.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

bayar hutang

okla oleh kerana saya berhutang, maka saya wajib bayar hutan walau tidak dituntut. ahaha. kalau menyampah, you are free to leave right now.

warning: this entry will make you vomit!

actually he did not propose.
nope he did not really say the words. sad haaa?

knowing mr fiance, OMG!! i wonder why at that time i can be soo patient. maybe sbb dah kenal dari sekolah, we were classmates on year 2000. nama aje classmates tapi tak penah borak pun. seriously. dia punye belagak lagi sombong dan riak penuh menjengkelkan okay! kalau jalan dekat koridor rasenye mcm tak pijak ke bumi. pandang depan tanpa mengira kiri dan kanan.agaknye bangunan runtuh kat sebelah pun tak pandang.itu belom masuk adegan mulut laser yang mengalahkan pompuan kaki gossipnya.haihhh!! tp penah la skali dua bercakap i guess. dan sedikit peristiwa burger di tepi padang sekolah. owhh itu kontrovesi sedikit. tak bole lebih-lebih. because at that moment, he had a gfren. a very strict one! hehe. we never spoke to eachother since then. all i knew was the broke up story and wutever-that-i-am-not-keen story. sbb time tu rase mcm sgt kesian!
we didn't really in contact until i went to melaka for my foundation year in MMU and he went to bangi for his 1st yr in uniten. pernah la masa dia dtg visit arip, kitorang kuar minum sama dekat bandar melaka tu. considering i was one of the schoolmate in melaka at that time. i did my major in accountancy in cyberjaya on 2003. we started to go out on 2004. itupun sbb kalah betting over manchester united and i-cannot-remember team. it was pizza hut sunway pyramid. dengan macho nye mamat ni siap pegi amek dekat rumah okay. haih! sangat poyo ok. we got closer since then. we went out for breakfasts,lunches,brunches,dinners,late dinners and even suppers. we watched newly released muvies every thursday without failed. we even collected our first 100 muvie tickets that we watched together. nak dijadikan pulak MMU cuti semester hanya 2 minggu sahaje.while uniten will break for holidays as other IPT does. bezanya, he will definitly take short courses. padahal nak spend time ngan aku. ceh! :P tidak dapat dielakkan beberapa adegan kantoi yg tidak dapat dijangka berlaku beberapa kali jugakla. it took me years to evaluate this person. on feb 14 2005 we became an item! dimana pada masa itu satu test terhadapnya terpaksa dijalankan. dimana anda ditugaskan pegi ke watson tlg beli pad and disposable panties since i period at that time cannot move. being him, "jejaka penuh maskulin yg konon macho lagi menjaga air muka, sudah tentu ini tugasan yg susah!". i believed that will be the first sanitory pad with disposable panties he ever bought. buktinya, he bought me maternity disposable panties. siap bole gulung-gulung lipat-lipat lagi tau! kelakar pls. since then, i slowly taught her on women's world. and i gladly and proudly say he improved! and i would say its A LOT of improvement :)

it began when our engagement was arranged by both families. then the faimlies got more excited about the wedding since both of us anak sulung. and that time i felt really awkward. like "we are getting married but u never ask whether i say yes or no". the thought of oh-nnti-anything-happen-senang-nak-lepas-tangan-becoz-i-never-proposed kept lingering in my mind. i was confused and scared. does he really love me or not? does he really want me to be part of his life or what? maybe these negative thoughts kept on coming to me because i've experienced a very bad family crisis back in my study life. thank god its over. however, i still feel upset about this. memangla cane2 pun kawen jugakkan since both families dah agreed and they called each other when they are free. scary bukan. but still, for all men out there. let me share with you something.there are two things women dream about since they were little girls. their Wedding, and their marriage proposals. Most women will always feel disappointed if these two things weren't me! so i was mad like crazy. yes i know the marriage will definitely be proceeded whatever happens. ini kerana kami bukanlah org yg akan malukan keluarga. but my heart is not there becos of this tiny little thing! i was so damn frustrated.i felt like i had turn into life of hell. i skipped his phone calls. i ignored all the messages. i even turned off my phone for days! until i got his email. when i opened it, i laughed my heart out. it was soooo unexpected and funny. this man that i know for his "machoness" and "jantanness" did this! i was melting i tell you.then straightly i called him. he said he was so worried that he cant think of any other things. "Sume staff dekat brunei tu disusahkan. nak cari tpt print baju sehelai bukan senang.satu negeri tu kene tawaf. blom masuk yg tlg jadik tukang amek gambar.tak cukup sorang.pastu belom masuk tukang suruh posing.posing kt padang,tepi pantai,tepi masjid,atas kete,supermarket,blablablablaaa...." hahahahahaaaa..i cant stop laughing!

we have been together with ups and downs for such a long time.kalau nak cerita every details entry ni takkan habis punye. so it would be nicer for us to keep it to ourselves.bergaduh mesti ada. tak normal kalau tak gaduh tu. tp kadang-kadang mcm terpaksa bersabar dengan karenah manusia yang agak tidak mahu melihat kami bersama yg menyebabkan kami bergaduh. honestly,we have been through sooo much together, and no matter what storm comes our way, one thing remains in the end. its "us". there is no you and i in "us".it keeps me remided! too bad,me too have bad habits in this relationship.i can get angry easily and merajuk anytime i like.but he'll be just fine melayan. kalau boleh, i wanna award him the-most-patient-creature award.i love the way i know he’ll never give up on me. i love how i know he’ll always be there when i need him to be. which i love the fact that i will always be there for him too. i love the way, how even though we may be miles apart i still feel like he is right here with me. i love how he would do anything in this world to make me happy.i love him just the way he is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

of pre wedding pictures

why do we shoot pre wedding pictures? actually in our culture its not compulsory at all. however they said , the time for a marriage preparation is always tense and stressful. the planners of the wedding do suffer from high levels of stress.(psstt: i am my own wedding planner. no wonder. sigh!) since ages, people have just accepted the situation as if nothing could be done about the accompanying stress and since you can’t beat it, you will have to bear it.

however, this great idea of pre wedding picture is a method so that you don’t have to lose sleep over how things will be managed on your wedding day. these kind of services can ensure that there won’t be any hitches that can spoil your mood on what would most likely be the most memorable and eventful day of your life. this is because i think couples have begun to strongly adhere importance to the fact that a wedding day is one in which they must also have fun to their heart’s satisfaction. on your wedding day, you must be relieved of all big commitments and responsibilities that take up your valuable time and stop you from enjoying the day.

the other reason to have pre wedding session is to let the couples and the photographers know each other before the actual wedding. its like creating some bonding session between them.however, sad to say that we can't do that since our wedding photographers are imported from Kelantan! I was browsing mr google and found this :

i was so delighted as i wanted to have my pre wedding picture in WHITE ROOM!!
i called the person known as kak zai in charged for this and successfully booked one session. *grin*
yet i just need to reconfirm the date since i have to wait for mr.fiance to come back first. or else i'll be having a syok-sendiri- photo session alone or i might invite the girlfrenss for the shooting. hahahaha. ohhhh yaaa, he'll be coming back this valentines as we are now approaching 5 years together. can't wait!

so i googled some of the white room pictures which all of them make me go Ga-Ga!

ohh i need to think about what colour should i wear, what kind of props should i bring, what kind of mekap will kak zai put on me and bla bla blaaaaa.. if u have ideas to help me pls do contact me okay!

and i am really excited about tomorrow. its my "off-day". i am going to have a wedding hunting session with mama. yeahhhh!!!!

pictures: google
promotion: zaifie zainal creations