Tuesday, November 1, 2011


cantik kan tarikh harini?

ececeee padahal nak cover bulan lepas langsung takde entry. ahahahaa.
well, motherhood is aint easy. but i'm coping up, insyaallah.

so its already november. pastu dah december. mmg sesuai sgt la kalau skarang nak review
azam 2011 time-time camni kan. i can say that i have nothing big in my lists, since i was busy pregnant :P

however, i can say that i will be embarking on a new journey soon. pretty excited, but at the same time cudnt care less on my lil one. will talk bout it later.

ammar hafiy pun dah besar sket. takdela besar sgt. hehe. but the most inspiring moment is when you wake up in the morning and there he is, smiling at you. OMG rasa mcm mmg takde problem dlm dunia ni. and dia dah pandai takmo tdo malam. at some times, kite pun get cranky jugak sbb kita pun letih+sleepy. tp pernah skali ni, tgh joget2 dodoikan dia sbb marah sgt so swing dia laju2 sambil pangku dia kat lengan, boleh dia terkekek2 dlm gelap tu. adoi tak jadi marah. sabo je la. tp nnti mintak maaf balik dgn dia "ammar, mommy minta maaf smalam mommy marah ammar. tp marah manja je kan. mommy penat. daddy takde. i promise i wont do it again." pastu rasa mcm best sbb nnti dia gelak je. :P mcm paham je kan ammar oii

till then. i have a lot to juggle with right now. (read: husbandless at the moment)
