Monday, April 26, 2010

of wedding dress fitting session

helloowww meelloowwww.....

why do we have to have fitting session?
the answer is: to avoid any kind of action that can make you regret for the rest of your life. hahahahaha

so my wedding dress fitting session was a nightmare!

my wedding dress designer is someone that is responsible for my nikah outfit, my baju hantaran and of course my wedding reception dress. she is someone used to work with RR for such a long time and now working on her own. and why did i choose her is because i have seen the outcome hasil sentuhan of this young designer. she is just a low profile and very very nice person plus very helpful in giving ideas.

selepas kejadian mengelat beberapa kali berlaku, maka saya sudah kehabisan idea untuk mereka ape lagi alasan untuk tidak fitting baju. mengenangkan tarikh kawen yg sudah dekat saya terpaksa mengaku kalah dan bersetuju untuk fitting baju. hahaha. so this is my baju yg akan jadi one of my hantaran. slalu org kasik kain kan. so this time kain tu kite jahit terus ye puan puan dan tuan tuan. supaya senang lepas kawen bole pakai terus. tayah nak pening2 baru nak pegi jahit ke ape. hahahahaa. so skarang dah bole tengok yea takde surprise2 okeh.
i put on this one and alhamdulillah not that bad. bole masuk.hihihihiii.. i chose the design since i love the chiffon on the upper part. kalau tengok dekat2 sgt cantik. bahagian bawah tu tak siap lagi sbb dia akan buat finishing once get my final measurement for all the baju.

ohh saya suka. nanti saya bole pakai lawa2 pegi dinner ke wedding ke.

mane la tak berdebarnya cik cik sekalian. i've actually gained 8kgs!! its such a big ugly figure for me. it ain't that easy to shed that 8kgs off! so now its time to put on my nikah outfit. and it was SENDAT! oopsssssssssssssssssssss......hancur luluh hati sbb rase mcm dah jogging byk kilometer dah. rupe-rupenye baru turun sekilo. huhuhuhuhuuuu.. ni lemak mmg degil takmo cair niii....

terus cik designer berkata: oklah tayah try yang sanding punye. dah tau dah. wawawawawawawawwawaaaaaaaaa....
kecik hati den!

so ni tak dapekla nak kasik tengok satu baaju atas smpai ke bawah. so ini ialah preview baju nikah. seriously tersangatlah cantik. lain dari yang lain kan. yela dah kata nak khatam quran nanti lepas akad nikah. so kene la pakai sopan2 tutup aurat.sehsuaiii gitu :P
nak amek gambo satu badan cam tak sanggup. so kite tangkap gambo lengan baju je k?

setelah itu, cik designer telah memberi kata dua. sbb final fitting saya akan dibuat hujung bulan 5. langsung dia tak keluarkan baju sanding saya itu. huhuhuhuuuu..untuk memastikan saya selesa dan cantik memakai baju-baju ini, beliau telah memberi beberapa talian hayat buat saya iaitu:

a) besarkan baju
b) extreme diet at least turun 5 kg pun jadikla before wedding

hahhahaaa. nak je saya tambah lagi satu, postponed wedding ke. takpun pilih baju lain yg dah sedia ada ke. ahhahahaa. ade yang nak makan pelempang kan. so agak2 which one is my decision? hahahaa. kalau nak pilih A) alahaiiii, buruk nye nanti gambar saya. org lain sume kawen slimmmm je. tibe2 dapat saya jadi pengantin "sehat". tp tu la takkan saya nak pilih B) pulak kan. dah la saya susah nak turun berat badan. jogging mcm nak rak pun turun 1kg je. haihhhh. sempat ke saya nak diet.

saiko pulak saya. hahahhaaa

so syg pun try la google. how to loose weight within a month. hhahahaa. then macam-macam la saya jumpe.aerobic, dance class, extreme diet,cardio workout, belly dancing, fat burner exercise and etc. tak kalah jugak ubat2 kurus sume tu. setelah study sume tu, saya tertarik dengan yg ini. dia ckp kite at least perlu 1200 calories. so takdela kate diet tu jgn makan langsung. kang mati kebuluran tak sempat naik pelamin karang. :P

maka, resolusi saya untuk sebulan yang terakhir ini ialah untuk membuat satu healt/diet journal. ni utk monitor apa saya makan (oily/fat/carbohydrates/protein/vege in grams)and apa saya buat utk burn calories in a day! then brape total calories yg saya dah burn in a day jugak! semangat ni saya. tapilepas kawen jgn haraplah aku nak buat mende ni. ahhahahahaa
so jom kawan2. kite diet sama2 k.i need your support too. ni kalau kite diet kawan2 tak diet tak ke susah. hahahahhaaa

then saya nak share satu mende. saya jumpe benda2 ni dekat seven eleven. memandangkan saya peminat setia BIKA, terus saya borong. ahahhahaaa. takpe2 saya dah check calories & fat dia, tak tinggi sgt. LOL

oklah. sampai sini dahulu. selamat maju jaya

Thursday, April 22, 2010

my new bedroom. woott woottt

today is my offday. but i'm going nowhere. i just spend my time at home. whyyy?
because i get a new set of bedroom for my wedding. yeaahhhuuuuuu!!!!thank you mama and abah. i knew both of soo excited to see me getting married. hahahhaaa. so harini bedroom baruku ini siap. not to say 100% completed. still got here and there to touch up. but i am sooo happy with my new bedroom. nak tengok? meh meh. takpe tak surprise pun tak kesah k.

so this is my new bed. sungguh membuatkan ku rasa high. tilam dia:dreamland chiro specialist III. harga dia: huhu takmo ckp. pandai2 la check sendiri k. but of cos we got 50% discount since we're buying from someone we know ape yg membezakan dia dgn tilam yg lain, dia mempunya ketebalan yg sgt berbeza (perasan tak dlm gambar) dan direka khas utk org yg sakit belakang cm aku ni. pastu yg bestnya, siap free 6 biji bantal. best2. heheehe. tp ape yg buat pening kepala ialah bedsheet yg mama beli specially for my wedding( and it was 5 years ago!) jadi singkat dengan katil ni. huhuhuhuuu.nak suggest beli lain kang kecik ati pulak org tua ni. so kami masih lg memikirkan ape jalan penyelesaiannya. hmmmmm.. eh can u see the downlight? sgt romentik kan. the wallpaper pun mcm kene je. :) senang cite, i like it.

so this is the tv console+ make up table+ study table+ open cabinet. ehemmm..excuse the boxes and the messiness. kata baru angkat brg pindah masuk kan. mcm ni la jadinye. fyi, itu sume adalah wedding stuff ye tak termasuk guitar itu. ohh guitar itu itu adalah hadiah hari jadi masa tahun gamma di MMU oleh kwn2. ohh rindunye zaman itu. hehe. dekat sini pun kalau anda perasan, lighting dia pun keluar2 dr bwh dr tepi dr atas sume. very niceeee...

so this is the toilet. pun baru jugak okayyy.. yela selama ini hidup berkongsi toilet dengan 5 org dlm sebilik. huhuhu. tidak bole digambarkan toilet itu ok. so this is my new toilet. tengok dia punye sinki. kelasss gituu. u can see the water flowing down there. eh kepala paip dia pun unic tau. mcm UFO. bile bukak, mcm air terjun okay. hahaha.. the rest mcm biase saje. i request no bath tub since i dont have time pun nak berendam2 ni. so just pun a water heater will do. :)

so tuan tuan dan puan puan, i feel so relieved :)the price that we get is not so expensive because we have the right contact to do it. kalau tak, mane nak dpt sume pun half price kan. hehe. so jika anada mahu mengubahsuai rumah anda, bolehla menghubungi saya. :p

dalam keletihan mengangkut brg, saya juga teruja kerana barang yg dipesan dari UK dengan pertolongan en fiance sudah pun sampai. so cepat2 saya tangkap gambar sbb camera canon yg saya pakai ni dah nak dijual kepada org lain. sob sob sob... sedihhhh.... tp takpe. nntikan nak beli yg lebih canggih.... dan lebih user friendly plssss... hehhe

ohh tidakkk. saya bukan beli baju ke handbag ke dr boutique online. saya tidakla seobses itu. tapi saya beli benda yg lebih bermakna buat saya. taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......ini dia model Mini Cooper One. hehe. ape saya nak buat? nak main? ohh tidakk. takde masa okay.. actually saya nak letak atas hantaran. hahahhaa... pelik?takde org buat kan? hehehe.. takpeliklah. maybe mmg tak penah org letak kereta mainan sbg hiasan hantaran.cuma saya nk hantaran saya bermakna utk saya sbb saya buat sendiri gubahan hantaran tu nanti dengan bantuan couzin saya, Una. so saya nak letak Mini Cooper ni dekat hantaran yg mane? Tunggguuuuuuuu.... saya takmo bgtau dulu sbb belom buat pun lagi. :)hehe

so setalah berkerja keras seharian, saya batalkan niat nak diet mlm ni sbb rase mcm perlu diri saya satu reward. hehe. so saya pegi beli burger tepi jalan depan seven eleven seksyen 15 bdr baru bangi. tu la td mama ngan abah keluar ajak dinner takmo ikut, jual mahal. kan dah kene kuar sendiri.padan muke. hehe. so i'm buying burger beef special with cheese. saya demand cheese tu dia wrap dengan telur so that cheese tu cair di dalam mulut. ohh heavennyeeeee.. ini idayusabtu la ni mengajar saya zaman di MMU dulu sanggup keluar pukul 12 mlm pergi ke subang semata2 burger yg sebegini. uhh nikmatnya. ayu if u reading this, i miss those moments!

till then. i write later on my wedding dress fitting session ok?
:) taaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

checklist okay

pada suatu petang dah nak maghrib yang hening:

He: syg,call mama jap. td dia call tak dpt
She: okay!

She: untie call mimi ye td?
Bakal MIL: aah. ni nak tanye. mimi pakai cincin size brape? tgh nak pilih cincin ni
She: errr. jap mimi check. jap lagi mimi call balik ye

She: err yang. ape size jari org?
He: Size 7

ok itu sangat malu okay. taktau size cincin sendiri. hahahahaaaa. sengal sungguh.yela bukan slalu beli cincin pun. aritu pun beli sbb nak bertunang.:P but told my future MIL i prefer size 8 since i am gaining so much weight. takut tak muat okay. tapi sempat lg kan nk diet? hahahahaa... balik2 perkataan diet itu. tapi tak diet2. hampehh

well people. ticker tu makin hari makin mendebarkan.kalau boleh tak mo pandang ticker ke,calender ke atau apa2 saja yang berkaitan...susah okay nk arrange wedding sendiri ni. ok lets do the checklist. my first checklist ever. hahahahahaaa.

1) Jumpa kadi- belom
2) jahit 'kain' for sanding di rumah- belom
3) buy tudung for nikah - belom
4) beli barang hantaran- tinggal baju ngan belt ngan wallet je
5) starting hunt barang2 deco- belom
6) Invitation card - DONE. thanks to eita yang tlg designkan rsvp card. muachh!!
7) new design for my pelamin - belom
8) Alas dulang - DONE. pinjam datin punya
9) paperbags - DONE
10) VIP gifts- belom
11) Meeting with families...- DONE once.
12) Guest list from Ayah,Mama,adik,aunty etc -DONE
13) Slide show??- belom. (Nisa buatkan for childhood. i'll do the engagement!)
14) Tentatif majlis - OTW
15) Henna- Booked!
16) dress fitting - tonite!
17) Pay for nikah makeup - DONE
17) Pay for Dewan - DONE
18) Clean up my room! -belom
19) Prepare baju melayu for my dad and lil bro - DONE
20) Room Deco- nak pergi IKEA!! sape nak teman pls?
21) facebook invitation - yg dewan and mirul's side dah. yang kat rumah belom
22) Guest book! - belom
23) Outdoor pic - nak kena hantar printing
24) Lighting pelamin -DONE
25) Bed-sheet- DONE
26) Bunga pahar - belom
27) Wedding Favors and tq tag tgh tunggu printing- belom
28) Facial - belom
29) easles- belom jugak
30) Contact lense - DONE
31) SETEM - DONE (30 sen, 50 sen,RM1 enough for me...)
32) Sending Card - In progress...
33) guests seating arrangement - belom
34) 3 Handbouquets - DONE
35) Banner/buntings- belom

So checklist sampai sini dulu...macam banyak je perkataan belom tukan. hahahhaaa. takpe2. still have time. lgpun i think i wanna take my mum to wedding expo. actually takmo pegi dah, sbb confirm buat confuse nak tukar itu, nak tukar ini. tp sbb nak carik VIP gifts tu, at least bole setelkan yang tu satu kan.sape nak tag along, jommmmmmm..

lebih menggerunkan, tonite is the night that i will have my wedding dress fitting session. gerun okay. dress measurement tu still guna measurement sewaktu masih belom kembang. :(

malam ni mesti kene rotan :(

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

majlis khatam quran


ini bukan entri riak atau bongkak. ini cuma mahu berkongsi kegembiraan. saya sangat-sangat gembira kerana telah berjaya mengkhatamkan al-quran. hehehe. mane tak gembira, everyday bangun pukul 6 pagi untuk make sure pegi mengaji sampai pukul 9pg. pulun okay.alhamdulillah, i am able to finish it within a month. why do i have to repeat my quran lesson? well, i can say that i am not that good. and i can say that this is one of my wedding preparation. at least i need some barakah and blessing from Allah. all of us aware that what we have today is something granted by Him. but most of us forget that if He tend to take away what has given to us, He can do that in a blink of an eye.masyaallah. yes, marriage is a very BIG thing.sometimes i scared. sometimes i confused. and i even have a lot more of sometimes.... so i need help from Him to prepare me in everything. :)

The event was so great. it was launched by YAM Tengku Puteri Arafiah Ibni Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, daughter of the Sultan of Selangor, had served as patron for the persatuan. then followed by the speeches from Pengarah Jakim and Erma Fatima as our VIP. and Datin i-can't-remember-what-her-name-is as the Editor for Majalah Perempuan and Fedtri Yahya were there too. there are total of 163 khatam participants for this time. but out of all people i am so happy to see my friend, sukur joining me as one of the participants. i am so proud of you bro. well, he got the most attention from the media on that day. kalah celebrity okay!

this is the parade of the khatam participants. they did selawat ke atas nabi bergema masjid. of course you cant spot me :( i dont have the standard jubah khatam to put on that day. so i wear plain black jubah which mama bought from mekah.

this is the seating arrangement for the khatam. they do it "halaqah" way. so nice.tengah-tengah tu ialah bunga-bunga telur

this is one of the photo captured with the VIPs. sukur was invited to the settee too. jealous okay. YAM Tengku Puteri siap jumpa dia personally lagi. rezeki dia kan. beside him is the Pengarah Jakim.

this is us with erma fatima. i can say that she is sooo soft spoken. beside sukur is wanie, his gf. cantikkan dia? hehhee

and this is my companionn of the dayyy. maka dialah si pemikul beg kemana-mana. si photographer yang tak bertauliah.dan juga peneman ke mana-mana sahaja. haihh. i am so lucky to have a sister like her. my night were never been boring since i have her as the storyteller.ade je cite dia. my sister that i shared my bed,pillow and blanket with. yaya, nnti lagi sebulan, i'll be sharing my bed with somebody else tau. sobsobsobsob.
but u can share it with bibik k? LOL

alhamdulillah everything went smooth. i'll be having my another khatam right after the solemnization. both of us will khatam as husband and wife, insyaallah.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bridal shower

Theme: pink+white+black
Venue:b i j o u, mont kiara
Organizer:miss dzuita n my lalink

these people had organized a lovely bridal shower for 3 of us who are going to tie the knot in may and june. mungkin kerana agak sukar menemukan masa yg sesuai untuk berkumpul, jd lebih baik skali sahaje. less time consuming,less budget and maybe less hassle. :)and this hen party turned out soooooo fabulous. Don't worry,this bridal shower was nothing hanky panky happened so En Amirul can smile now..:P.
since this party was held to celebrate those bride-to-be, which at the same time happened to be me as one of the bride-to-be, i decided to give a token of appreciation for the invitees. and seriously this is very last minute one. LOL

i bought this which i don't know what to call it. but people use it to put it hanging onto their phones/bags/keychains/etc. i like it because it shines when you put it under the sun or lights.

then i bought these cute mint tint at the poetry of flowers. very cute i tell you. ada mcm2 gambar.then i put the red Lindor chocolates which i bought from KLIA the day before. psssttttt: choc tu sedap!

then i put it in this cute paperbag. dan walaupun warnanya marroon, this paperbag bukan versi christmas ya tuan tuan dan puan puan. but it has a very cute design with something sweet written on the side of it.macam poetry gitu. can you see it?

dan sudah tentu la beserta dengan kad jemputan kawen. ohh yaaa actually card tu baru je siap. so dah bole kawen? hahahahahaaa. but then there is no rsvp card so i asked eita to design it for me. do you see it? cantik kan. so darling, all my invitees will be filling up the rsvp card designed by you. thank you so muchhhhh!

last but not least. yg ni i beli time pegi withdraw duet smalam since i was the first one arriving, so i went out to the nearest atm. so i bought kitkat to put into the paperbag. :)

The party was very2 awesome that i can say eita has a very very good hand in decorating the place. then the bride-to-bes wajib pakai ala2 veil with crowns.. ahahhahaaa..sungguh chumellsssss..dan tidak lupe juga, everyone of us are seated accordingly to the namecard put on the table. owhhh kamu sungguh rajin okay... and everyone get their own bouquet of pink fresh flowers too... sungguhhhh cantikkk.....babe, i think you can have your own party planner company. hahhahahaaa. the ambiance @ bijou was great too. the pink curtain suits our theme very well. they put candles on every table. then you can see sort of small orangy comfort pillows on the benches the food was delicious too. i oredered chimchuri chicken with wild orange soda.

here, i'd like to express my appreciation to everyone who came..esp Nurul who came down all the way from JB for this party and has to shoot off back to JB right after that..OMG..luv u hunn! dan tidak lupe untuk cik dyna for the beautiful barbie cake! even my mum terpegun tengok cake tu tau dyna.. hihihiii.. and not forgetting for all the pre-wed present that you guys have prepared. i got shawls from nisa and nurul. a very cute and eco-friendly shopping bag from eita. a hand made card from aida channnn... plus all the advises written by everyone on that day. that was just sooo sweetttt of you guysss. i really appreciate it. rasa mcm nak menitis air mata pun ada when i read all of it. ohh so emotional. but somehow, i'll keep in mind everywords that you guys have written it to me. thank you again. luv you all to the bits!

so people, enjoy the pictures!

so sekarang adalah masa untuk panic! see the ticker???? hahahhahaaaa

note to self: esok tolonglah pegi jahit kain baju kawen tuuuuuuuuu.. kang nanti tak siap nak pakai jeans ke??

Friday, April 9, 2010

hari ini dalam sejarah

hari ini ada bad news and good news. normally org akan start with bad news and end with good news kan. but today i wanna make it differently. haha

so the good news:

1) i lost 1 kg.

yes! walaupun hanya 1 kg, but it means a lot to me. saya berterima kaseh kepada mereka yg sudi menemankan saya jogging. contohnya mereka die bawah ini. yg sebenarnya ada udang disebalik mee menemaniku jogging. balik, kene pau beli mcd. buktinya, sila rujuk french fries yg sedang dikunyah. tak pasal2 kalori yg terbakar kini menjadi tepu semula. hahahahaaa...

namun saya berterima kasih pada skipping rope saya yg banyak membantu. setiap hari saya gunakannya. :)

2) harini saya telah berjaya khatam al-quran.

saya struggle mengadap ustazah yg saya belajar ini setiap pagi jam 6.45pg kecuali hari minggu. walaupun saya pernah khatam beberapa kali, tp demi dunia baru iaitu alam perkahwinan yg bakal saya tempuhi, saya sanggup pegi mengaji lagi skali. walaupun bersengkang mata pagi2 dah bangun mcm budak skolah, tp takpe. saya sanggup. saya kan nak jadi isteri solehahhh.. cewaaaahhhhh..muntah hijau kejap... tp alhamdulillah. akhirnya saya berjaya tamatkan dengan kata lain mengkhatam al-quran. saya berjanji nak beli baju baru untuk ustazah saya untuk khatam perdana di masjid besi 18 april ni sebagai hadiah. so saya akan ada 2 kali khatam la kan. satu lagi pada hari akad nikah saya. yang mana after akad nikah, insyaallah kami akan dikhatamkan bersama sebagai suami isteri yang sah. insyaallah. (pssstttttttttttt....en bakal suami: sila habiskan quran anada ye)

3) favour's for bridal shower is ready!

saya dah siap buat sket2 favours for tomorrow's event.dan saya suke sgt sbb sume cute2. tak dela byk. sekadar untuk tetamu yg memeriahkan majlis saje. nak letak gambar pun. saya rasa kurang sesuai sbb belom lg berlangsung event itu. tp saya janji saya akan letak nnti k.

4) saya kembali berfashionista.

saya beli baju baru tadi. kalini saya memberanikan beli legging. hahahahaaa. tu mende yg paling saya tak konfiden sebenarnye nak pakai. tp saya beli jugak sbb mcm best je legging tu. esok nak pakai. agak2 tak lepas oleh lembaga penapisa dirumah, terpaksala saya buat legging tu jadi seluar tido saje. hihihihiiii.. saya tak kesah. saya faham.

ok dah.. ok skarang bad news pulak:

1) lampu kete saya padam sebelah

aah. lampu kete saya padam sebelah. buruk betul. walaupun satu je lampu pun dah cukup terang tp saya masih rasa merbahaya kalau saya drive pada waktu hujan ataupun pada waktu malam. so saya tak berani. saya kene tunggu isnin baru boleh pegi kedai. then baru buat order. brape la pulak kalini duet saya melayang. lampu mini cooper tu bukan mcm harga lampu kancil. wuwuwuwuwuwuuwwwwuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

2) muka saya naik jerawat banyak

saya sedang berada pada penghujung kitaran menstruasi dimana saya boleh period bila-bila masa saja. tp masalahnya esok saya ada trial make up. muka saya sangat alah pada foundation sebenarnya. saya tidak sanggup membayangkan keadaan muka setelah menggunakan foundation oleh jurumekap. pasti lebih dahsyat. nak period summore. :(

3) saya tatau ke bijou, mont kiara!

hahahaaa. saya belom google lagi macammana nak ke bijou. alahaiiii. kan bes kalau saya ada org hantar dan amek. saya paling malas nak drive ke tempat yg saya kurang familiar. tp tak mengapalah. saya rasa most of us pun ade yg belom pernah sampai ke situ. so sepatutnya tajuk ini takde disini!

4) saya masih belom ada idea untuk pelamin saya nanti.

sengal atau tidak, saya akan design sendiri pelamin saya. hahahhahahaaaa. disaster! tp tak mengapa. saya nak yg simple2 saja. saya bukan org seni.saya org akaun. yang saya tahu pembantu saya akan tolong saya keluarkan idea2 yg bernas. hahahaaaa.tak kesahla. sbb yg pasti saya nak design sendiri. dan yg lebih pasti saya tidak perlu pelamin yg meletops. sbb saya hanya buat satu majlis ringkas dan tertutup. maybe saya boleh namakan konsep saya sebagai minimalist! mane tak minimum, doorgift pun saya blom ada lagi. hahahhahahaaa. saiko betullah. betul ke nak kawen ni? saya pulak yg confuse. LOL

oklah. saya mahu google jalan ke tempat yg mahu dituju esok!

sekian terima kasih.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Setem ooohhh Setemm

Harga setem naik mulai 1 Julai

KUALA LUMPUR: Harga setem pos dalam negeri akan lebih tinggi berkuatkuasa Julai ini sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi Pos Malaysia Bhd untuk meningkatkan produktiviti dan kecekapannya.

Ini adalah kali pertama Pos Malaysia menyemak harga (setem) sejak pengkorporatannya pada 1992, menurut kenyataan syarikat itu di sini hari ini.

Pengarah Urusan/Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulannya, Datuk Syed Faisal Albar, berkata kenaikan itu akan memberikan dana tambahan bagi Pos Malaysia menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti, setara dengan amalan terbaik antarabangsa."Dalam tempoh 18 tahun kebelakangan ini, kami telah menyaksikan penyusutan berterusan jumlah mel awam dan Pos Malaysia telah mengambil langkah untuk mengawal kos di samping mengekalkan produktiviti kami.

"Pada masa yang sama, ini telah menjejaskan keupayaan syarikat melaraskan gaji posmen dan kerani kaunternya yang 19 peratus lebih rendah daripada rakan sejawatan mereka dalam kerajaan.

"Penstrukturan semula gaji posmen dan kerani kaunter akan dilakukan serentak dengan kenaikan harga setem pos domestik," katanya.

Penstrukturan semula gaji akan menjadi satu rangsangan moral bagi kaki tangan operasi sejajar dengan langkahnya untuk meningkatkan prouktiviti dan komitmen mereka ke arah memberikan perkhidmatan yang lebih berkualiti.
Apabila dilaksanakan nanti, harga setem pos domestik bagi mel standard seberat hingga 20 gram akan dinaikkan daripada 30 sen kepada 60 sen dan mel seberat hingga 50 gram harga setem akan dinaikkan daripada 40 sen kepada 70 sen.
Kenaikan harga ini juga membabitkan mel standard yang beratnya kurang daripada 50 gram, mel bukan standard yang beratnya kurang daripada 100 gram, bahan cetak berkala, PosDokumen, mel berdaftar dan bungkusan kurang daripada dua kilogram.

Bagaimanapun, sila rujuk surat khabar berhampiran anda ye.

haih naseb baik ada facebook kan?

Monday, April 5, 2010

cabaran seminggu!

minggu lepas adalah minggu bertemu caterer. (so sepatutnye ni entry minggu lepas, tp takpelah kan.... :P) so we are choosing Puteri Bongsu as our caterer. this Puteri Bongsu are famous as the owner is the famous late 80's actress Rubiah Suparman. they are so friendly and nice to chat with.since they had been servicing us since my engagement, my mum get very close and so satisfied with the price, taste and services. so harga pun mmg the cheapest u can get in town. so anyone mahu ini caterer ask from me becos this fella doesn't have any website. and lagi best,apart from all the complimentary hidangan makan beradab, they gave us a complimentary 3-tier wedding cake. they asked me to choose the design from norrizan bakery. but when i visit the site, i turned sooo unrational. yg tu suka yg ni suka. adoyaiiii... fenin fenin..

yg ni pun ckae yg sooo romennnnnnn.....tik.. see, ada bride and groom beside the cake. nampak so sweet gitu kan. gambo2 kek ni kalau surf mmg tak abes. sume cantik-cantik dan unik2. saya tak kesah sebenarnye janji kene warna tema. :)

gambar cake source: google

nampak sungguh yummilicious kan??? huhuhuhuuuu.. ni lapo tibe2 pls. ooooo, patutla lapo.. sbb td tak dinner. yela, eita ckp, avoid taking dinners. so arini start la try2 tak mkn dinner. tp agak mencabar jugakkan. lgpun sabtu aritu sempat pegi beli sport shoes tajaan mr fiance.. tenkiu yayang. azam baru mahu jogging. ptg2 nk jogging keliling opis. hahahahaaa.. berazam ni..

tengok cantik tak my new sport shoes. warna nya sungguh unik kan. hehehe..

actually nape kalut sgt beli kasut ni sbb seriously i need to shed some kilos and reduce my waist line keranan telah terjadi satu kesah yg menyedihkan. begini citenye. last month ade anto baju pegi tailor. ni baju biasa je. last week pegi amek, which is a month after the date, baju tu tak muat. and ketat lagi sendat. mmg berdebar la masa tu. gugup gugup. ukur2 pinggang dah lari 3 inches. tu baru sebulan tu.. lalu perasaan ngeri tiba memikirkan baju kawen yg dah anta 2 bulan lepas. huhuhuhuhuhu. kalau sebulan pun bole xtra 3 inches. ni 2 bulan. sah sah it can go far than that.. wuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwwwuuuuuuu...i am blessed with friends which support me relentlessly such as eita, nisa and aida with their advises to slim down. thank you very much frens. i heart you all. and i swear with my new shoes i'll get back my shape like before. hahahhahaaaa. to make it become reality, i buy this skipping rope. wahhhh bersemangat waja kan saya. yes! this is serious. i know that i cant cut my meals. i am sure die if i dont eat. diet does not match me well. so i have to work out!!!! here come my brand new blue color skipping roopeeeeee....

dan cabaran ini hanya dlm seminggu kerana fitting baju kawen adalah nex week. chaiyok!!!yakin boleh!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

a must read!

yo peeps! its saturday night and only i have time to blog. ahahhaaaa.. bajet busy la kan..

no i'm not gonna write about my wedding prep since i have no progression in that. maybe tunggu that ticker shows "2 months until our wedding day" then only baru nak kelam kabut takmo ckp ngan org dah.. hahahhaaaa. but what i'm gonna share with you tonite is something that i read in daphne iking's blog. wahhh i am sooo celebrity to follow her blog. read on people!

A Must Read for All


After tossing her books on the sofa, she decided to grab a snack and get on-line.. She logged on under her screen name ByAngel213. She checked her Buddy List and saw GoTo123 was on. She sent him an instant message:

Hi. I'm glad you are on! I thought someone was following me home today. It was really weird!

LOL You watch too much TV. Why would someone be following you? Don't you live in a safe neighborhood?

Of course I do. LOL I guess it was my imagination cuz' I didn't see anybody when I looked out.

Unless you gave your name out on-line. You haven't done that have you?

Of course not. I'm not stupid you know.

Did you have a softball game after school today?

Yes, and we won!!

That's great! Who did you play?

We played the Hornets. LOL. Their uniforms are so gross! They look like bees. LOL

What is your team called?

We are the Canton Cats. We have tiger paws on our uniforms. They are really cool.

Did you pitch?

No, I play second base. I got to go. My homework has to be done before my parents get home. I don't want them mad at me. Bye!

Catch you later. Bye

Meanwhile, GoTo123 went to the member menu and began to search for her profile. When it came up, he highlighted it and printed it out. He took out a pen and began to write down what he knew about Angel so far.

Her name: Shannon
Birthday: Jan. 3, 1985
Age: 13
State where she lived: North Carolina

Hobbies: softball, chorus, skating and going to the mall. Besides this information, he knew she lived in Canton because she had just told him. He knew she stayed by herself until 6:30 p.m. every afternoon until her parents came home from work. He knew she played softball on Thursday afternoons on the school team, and the team was named the Canton Cats. Her favorite number 7 was printed on her jersey. He knew she was in the eighth grade at the Canton Junior High School . She had told him all this in the conversations they had on- line. He had enough information to find her now.

Shannon didn't tell her parents about the incident on the way home from the ballpark that day. She didn't want them to make a scene and stop her from walking home from the softball games. Parents were always overreacting and hers were the worst. It made her wish she was not an only child. Maybe if she had brothers and sisters, her parents wouldn't be so overprotective.

By Thursday, Shannon had forgotten about the footsteps following her.

Her game was in full swing when suddenly she felt someone staring at her. It was then that the memory came back. She glanced up from her second base position to see a man watching her closely.

He was leaning against the fence behind first base and he smiled when she looked at him. He didn't look scary and she quickly dismissed the sudden fear she had felt.

After the game, he sat on a bleacher while she talked to the coach. She noticed his smile once again as she walked past him. He nodded and she smiled back. He noticed her name on the back of her shirt. He knew he had found her.

Quietly, he walked a safe distance behind her. It was only a few blocks to Shannon 's home, and once he saw where she lived he quickly returned to the park to get his car.

Now he had to wait. He decided to get a bite to eat until the time came to go to Shannon 's house. He drove to a fast food restaurant and sat there until time to make his move.

Shannon was in her room later that evening when she heard voices in the living room.

"Shannon, come here,"
her father called.. He sounded upset and she couldn't imagine why. She went into the room to see the man from the ballpark sitting on the sofa.

"Sit down,"
her father began,"this man has just told us a most interesting story about you."

Shannon sat back. How could he tell her parents anything? She had never seen him before today!

"Do you know who I am, Shannon ?"
the man asked..

Shannon answered.

"I am a police officer and your online friend, GoTo123."

Shannon was stunned."That's impossible! GoTo123 is a kid my age! He's 14. And he lives in Michigan !"

The man smiled. "I know I told you all that, but it wasn't true. You see, Shannon , there are people on-line who pretend to be kids; I was one of them. But while others do it to injure kids and hurt them, I belong to a group of parents who do it to protect kids from predators. I came here to find you to teach you how dangerous it is to talk to people on-line. You told me enough about yourself to make it easy for me to find you. You named the school you went to, the name of your ball team and the position you played. The number and name on your jersey just made finding you a breeze."

Shannon was stunned. "You mean you don't live in Michigan ?"

He laughed. "No, I live in Raleigh. It made you feel safe to think I was so far away, didn't it?"

She nodded.

"I had a friend whose daughter was like you. Only she wasn't as lucky. The guy found her and murdered her while she was home alone. Kids are taught not to tell anyone when they are alone, yet they do it all the time on-line. The wrong people trick you into giving out information a little here and there on-line. Before you know it, you have told them enough for them to find you without even realizing you have done it. I hope you've learned a lesson from this and won't do it again. Tell others about this so they will be safe too?"

"It's a promise!"

That night Shannon and her Dad and Mom thanked God for protecting Shannon from what could have been a tragic situation.
